Book “Cycling and Dutch national infrastructure” / Boek “Voorbeeldenboek Fiets” voor Rijkswaterstaat

CYCLING and Dutch national infrastructure – Working towards a more structural approach to incorporating cycling in national-level projects

Voorbeeldenboek Fiets – Toewerken naar het structureler meenemen van de fiets in rijksprojecten

Rijkswaterstaat (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) assigned Bike-minded to develop and design “Voorbeeldenboek Fiets”, an inpirational book about the role and potential of the bicycle in large scale national infrastructure projects. The goal is to embed the knowlegde -and thinking- about bicycle mobility in the minds of people working at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and other people involved in national infrastructure projects, such as high ways, ring roads, river crossings, tunnels, railways et cetera. The book consists general insights and lessons about implementing the bicycle in projects mentioned above, and a number of case studies that illustrate what bicycle measures are part of the project and what it took to realise those. Bike-minded collaborated with Marlies Bielderman, a strategic research and co-creation expert to realise this inspirational book.

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